Satisfy Inspectors requirements relating to the inclusion of this site within the Local Plan, input to a Development Brief and demonstrate the Transport Policy aspects of a Residential Development by way of a Transport Assessment for the planning application. RGP also undertook all the Section 278 Road Agreement design works.
RGP was faced with concern that the site suffered from severance issues as a result of its location on the northern side of the A259 Strategic route away from local facilities. There was also concern that traffic generated by the proposed residential development would present a safety problem to existing traffic on a strategic route along the south coast.
Having satisfied the Inspector’s concerns which were principally transport related, RGP was invited onto the panel to establish the Development Brief.
At a late stage, the Local Highway Authority sought to extract a considerable financial contribution by insisting on highway works which RGP considered unjustified.
Having reached deadlock with the Highway Authority, RGP implemented a unique Safety Audit exercise by agreement with the Authority with a view to deciding upon the safest access solution.
The Safety Forum, a sister company of RGP specialising in independent road safety audits, was appointed. Two independent experts appointed by The Safety Forum supported RGP’s solution as the safest, thereby breaking the deadlock and saving RGP’s client a seven figure sum.
RGP’s instruction was extended to include the preparation of a comprehensive Transport Assessment and Detailed Design of the Section 278 Road Agreement works for this 300+ unit residential scheme.