Premier Inn Ochre Ltd and Endurance Land (Shoreditch) Ltd.
Tower Hamlets, London
To support proposals for the redevelopment of a vacant warehouse in a constrained central London location to provide a 260 bedroom ‘hub by Premier Inn’ hotel with an ancillary café, through design input and the preparation of a Transport Assessment, Delivery & Servicing Management Plan and a Travel Plan.
The proposal was for one of the first hotels in the new ‘hub by Premier Inn’ concept, consisting of smaller ‘pod’ sized bedrooms. The proposals were for zero on-site parking, with the exception of a single disabled bay, and servicing at ground floor level, requiring a delivery vehicle to reverse into a bespoke service bay.
By review of the site’s accessibility credentials, referencing transport planning policy and analysing parking demand data the Council were supportive of a car-free scheme, with no coach drop-off or parking facilities.
RGP successfully demonstrated that the shared-use service yard could be managed in such a way to accommodate all delivery requirements as well as a single parking disabled bay.
By interrogating the TRICS database and analysing the operator’s bespoke database established by RGP, we were also able to demonstrate a reduction in vehicular traffic compared to extant planning consents on the site, thus gaining highway support for the scheme and helping to achieve a successful planning consent.